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Target Dispute Statuses
Krista Nicewarner avatar
Written by Krista Nicewarner
Updated over 7 months ago

After submitting your dispute in Synergy, check back to view the status of your claim. Here is a short list of Synergy dispute statuses and what they mean.

After a new dispute is created in Synergy, it is filed immediately as "New," and it progresses through a set of stages (statuses), sometimes with setbacks and skips:

  • New – The dispute has been made, but Target has not started looking at it yet.

  • In-Progress – The dispute has been made, and Target has started looking at it.

  • Re-Opened – This is a very uncommon status, and it likely has something to do with editing or updating dispute claims. However, what is more likely with Target is that when a dispute is missing documentation or has an error, they will simply close the case and have the supplier create a new one.

  • Awaiting Info – As with the "Re-Opened" status update, "Awaiting Info" is rare. This likely means the dispute requires new or updated information from the vendor who submitted it. Again, however, it is more likely that Target will simply close the case and have the supplier create a new dispute.

  • Resolved – A certain amount, if not all, of the original deduction has been agreed upon by both parties to be paid back.

  • Closed – The total amount of the agreed-upon number from the resolution has been paid back, and the dispute is now, obviously, closed. Also, some disputes that are proven illegitimate can be "Closed" by Target, in which case either the supplier has seen that the original deduction was valid or Target has refused to pay it back. In other words, some that are "Closed" have been "Resolved," but not all "Closed" have been "Resolved." Also, all that are "Resolved" have yet to be officially "Closed."

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