Dispute submission can sometimes fail due to data mismatch caused by the recent "real-time" deduction data update system in Vendor Central. In other words, our nightly and daily data syncs, at times, will not reflect the latest data if the updates are made by Amazon after the syncing job is complete. To prevent these sporadic changes from causing dispute failures, you can now opt-in to have the SupplyPike Deductions app's backend systems automatically resubmit, in full, any deduction that would have otherwise failed due to a data mismatch between our outdated records and Amazon's recently updated data.
The default position for all of our users is to enable auto-resubmitting on shortage claims and price discrepancies. However, in order to customize the default setting for the auto-resubmit feature, please follow the steps below:
Click the gear icon on the top right corner of the screen.
Make sure you're on the "Auto Resubmit" tab.
Turn on/off toggles for each deduction type.
Once you make the desired changes, click on the "Save Changes" button. Otherwise, click the "Cancel" button to revert back to the previously saved (or default) settings.
When the toggles are in the ON position, the default setting of the auto-resubmit checkbox will be enabled (i.e., checked).
When the toggles are in the OFF position, the default setting of the auto-resubmit checkbox is disabled (i.e., unchecked).
(Note that this setting affects the default auto-resubmit settings on both individual and bulk dispute submissions, so make sure to check or uncheck the auto-resubmit checkbox as desired when submitting a bulk dispute. To turn off auto-resubmitting for bulk disputes by default, both toggles need to be turned off.)