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SupplyPike Guide to Re-Disputing Shortage Claims and Settlement Cases with Amazon
SupplyPike Guide to Re-Disputing Shortage Claims and Settlement Cases with Amazon

This article provides a step-by-step guide to submitting re-disputes and settlement cases for Amazon shortage deductions using SupplyPike

Achraf Hamidi avatar
Written by Achraf Hamidi
Updated today


Once shortage claim disputes are resolved, any remaining shortages can be re-disputed once more with Amazon. This re-disputing process allows Amazon to review each shortage individually and in greater detail.

After the re-dispute process is completed, any remaining denied shortages can be escalated through a settlement case. Amazon settlements allow vendors to negotiate the recovery of shortage amounts that have been fully or partially denied during the initial dispute and re-dispute processes. Depending on available proof, deduction validity, and negotiation skills, suppliers may recover an additional 50–90% of the remaining disputed funds.

This article provides a step-by-step guide to creating re-disputes and settlement cases using the SupplyPike App.

Best Practices & FAQs

  • Can I re-dispute previously settled claims?

    No, once a claim has been settled, Amazon will not allow it to be re-disputed. Even though re-disputes can technically be submitted for previously settled claims, Amazon will promptly deny them since a settlement has already been issued.

  • What is the recommended process for re-disputing and settlement?

    As mentioned above, all shortage claims must go through the re-dispute process before settlement cases can be created. At SupplyPike, we recommend the following best practices:

    • Start by re-disputing the oldest claims under your "Follow Up" tab.

    • Limit the number of active re-disputes to no more than 30 at a time to maximize your recovery potential.

    • Once the re-dispute process for a given period is completed, create settlement cases for any remaining shortages.

    Following this workflow ensures that vendors take advantage of all three opportunities Amazon provides for shortage claim recovery.

  • How long will the re-disputes process usually take?

    The time required for re-disputes varies based on volume. However, Amazon typically resolves shortage re-disputes within 1 to 4 weeks from the re-dispute submission date.

  • How often should I create new shortage settlement cases with Amazon?

    The frequency of settlement case submissions depends on the volume of settleable shortages. We recommend creating settlement cases bi-annually or annually while maintaining a buffer period of one to two quarters.

    For example, if you choose a bi-annual settlement schedule and are at the end of Q1 2024, we recommend creating a settlement case for all remaining shortages on invoices dated before Q4 2023 (12/31/2023 and earlier).

    This approach ensures that Amazon has enough time to resolve recent invoices through both the re-dispute process and their Smart Match system before settlement.

  • What can I do to negotiate a settlement as productively as possible?

    While proof documentation may not be required in the initial shortage dispute, it becomes increasingly important during the settlement phase. To maximize settlement recovery, follow these best practices:

    • Ensure all relevant proof documentation is attached to the claims before initiating the re-dispute process.

    • Use our downloadable settlement spreadsheet, which contains secure links to proof documentation for each shortage claim.

    • Providing comprehensive proof upfront helps expedite Amazon’s review process and increases the likelihood of receiving a higher settlement offer.

  • How do I keep track of settlement payments in the SupplyPike Deductions app?

    Once you submit a settlement case for a specific set of deductions:

    1. The shortage claims will move to the "In Progress" tab, with the status marked as "In Settlement."

    2. Once Amazon processes a payment for any claim under "In Settlement", the deduction will move to the "Resolved" tab, and the status will change to "Settled."

    3. Amazon considers all payments made after the settlement case submission date as "settlement payments" and includes them in the final settlement resolution spreadsheet.

    4. Amazon’s support team will provide this spreadsheet before officially closing the case.

Create a Shortage Claim Re-Dispute

To create shortage claim re-disputes, please follow the steps below:

  1. In the SupplyPike Deductions app, go to the Deductions page and open the "Follow Up" tab.

  2. Select up to 30 shortages tagged as "Eligible for Re-Dispute" (we recommend prioritizing older claims with higher dollar amounts).

  3. Click on the "Bulk Actions" dropdown button.

  4. Then click the "Re-dispute" button.

To check on re-disputed shortages, please follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Deductions page and open either one of the following tabs:

    1. Follow Up: this tab will host re-disputable shortages, which will be tagged as "Eligible for Re-Dispute" and ones with denied or partially approved re-disputes which will be tagged as "Eligible for Settlement".

    2. In Progress: this tab will host disputes, re-disputes and settlements that are under review.

    3. Resolved: the tab will host any disputes, re-disputes or settlements that have been resolved and fully approved or finalized (denied via settlement).

    4. All: this tab will host all claims.

  2. Under either one of these tabs, you can use the Dispute Count filter to find out which claims are undisputed, disputed or re-disputed. Simply click on the "More" filter, then select the appropriate count of disputes:

    1. 0: will result in claims that have not been disputed yet.

    2. 1: will result in claims that have had 1 dispute only.

    3. 2: will result in claims that have been disputed and re-disputed.

Create a Settlement Case in the SupplyPike Deductions App

Other than emailing your Vendor Manager with your settlement data, the method described below is the fastest and most streamlined method. To create a settlement through our app:

  1. In the SupplyPike Deductions app, go to the Deductions page and open the "Follow Up" tab.

  2. Select any number/combination of settleable deductions you want to include in your case.

  3. Click on Create Case.

  4. A Case Form will be opened and will have the following field automatically prefilled:

    1. Issue Type

    2. Subject

    3. DisputeIDs

    4. Issue Description

    5. Attachments

  5. In order to submit your case, you will also need to fill out the remaining fields:

    1. Select a Business Group (if applicable)

    2. Enter a valid contact phone number

    3. We also recommend adding your own email address under "Add Additional Email Addresses" to receive email notifications regarding your case.

  6. Once all required fields have been filled out, please review your case and click Submit to officially create a settlement case with Amazon. To make sure your case went through successfully, feel free to reload the page, which will take you to the case log page to view and track updates to the cases you've created.

  7. Once a case has been created, you can go to Case Log to open it, submit replies to Amazon, close cases, and re-open ones that can be reopened.

    1. NOTE: In some situations, Amazon may reply to your case and inform you that they are choosing to close it and open another case in its place. When this happens, the case status will show as "Pending Merchant Action," and you must reply to confirm it and keep it open. It is a good practice to add additional email addresses at this time so you will continue to receive notifications when there are case updates.

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