Past Due - Given to invoices that have no record of payment 14 days after their due date. This is a SupplyPike status. In POL, these will appear as Open or Unprocessed.
Unprocessed - Status from Target's Greenfield data platform. Target acknowledges that the invoice has been sent to them; however, they've yet to match it to a receipt. Not included on the Deductions by Status chart on the Dashboard as it is assumed to be BAU unless it goes past due.
Open—Status from Target's Greenfield data platform. Target has approved payment for the invoice, but it has not actually been paid. It is not included on the Deductions by Status chart on the Dashboard as it is assumed to be BAU unless it goes past due.
Supplier Action - A dispute has been created, and Target is requesting additional information from the supplier.
Target Research - A dispute is waiting on Target to either request further information or make a decision in favor of or against the supplier.
Denied - Target has closed the case without agreeing to pay back any amount of the disputed invoice.
Approved—Target has closed the case and agreed to pay back any amount of the disputed invoice greater than zero. We are still waiting to see payment proof.
Paid - We have seen payment proof come through for the invoice. Only included in the Deductions by Status chart on the Dashboard if it needed to be disputed for payment.
What does each status for an invoice mean in SupplyPike for Target?
Written by Clinton Rhodes
Updated over 4 months ago