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Health Metrics

Learn all about the new metrics showing the health of your disputing process beyond simple money disputed and won back.

Written by Clinton Rhodes
Updated over a week ago


There's a lot that goes into deduction management. While knowing what's been disputed and how much has been won back is valuable, there are a lot of other pieces of the process that are also important. We think the metrics outlined below can help you understand areas for potential improvement and opportunities to win back more money faster and more efficiently.

Something to look forward to later this year will be the addition of a pre-post look of working with SupplyPike for the bottom three metrics.

The Metrics

Approved with SupplyPike

  • This is the sum of the Approved or Paid amount for all disputes through SupplyPike.

    • Disputed: Sum of all disputes through SupplyPike, regardless of being resolved or not.

  • This is usually everyone's most important metric and that's why it is first. Keeping track of how much you've won back is crucial to knowing how much you're able to get back for each retailer.

Auto/Bulk Disputed

  • The number of disputes submitted via bulk or auto-disputing.

    • $: The dollar amount of disputes submitted via bulk or auto-disputing.

    • For accounts without auto-disputing, this metric will reflect the total number of disputes submitted in bulk and their corresponding dollar value.

  • This metric is important to understand the efficient use of your time. The higher the better.

Auto Prepped

  • The count of deductions in which 100% of recommended proof documents were attached via SupplyPike's automation efforts.

    • Documents: The count of documents related to the above deduction count that was supplied via SupplyPike's automation efforts.

    • This metric may vary by retailer, so be sure to check the tooltip for the retailer you're interested in.

  • In a similar fashion to the previous metric, this is all about efficiency and knowing how much more time and effort you've saved by not having to track down and read through documentation like BOLs.

Average Days to Dispute

  • The average days from the date of the deduction to the date of the first dispute being submitted. This includes both SupplyPike and non-SupplyPike disputes. It does not include re-disputes.

    • For Amazon, this metric is measured using the period between the invoice due date and the date of the dispute.

    • This metric is not yet available for Walmart.

  • Typically a lower number here is better. Some deductions age out faster than others, so it can be important to pay attention to how long things are sitting before they are addressed and if windows of opportunity are being missed or not.

Deductions % of Invoiced

  • Total deductions as a percentage of all invoices as of the earliest date invoices and deductions are available.

    • For Amazon, this metric reflects the total gross deductions received (aka deductions at the due date) as a percentage of all dollars invoiced.

  • Stay on top of how much impact deductions are causing to your business. The lower this is, the better.

Deductions Cleared

  • The percentage of deductions that have been either disputed (with or without SupplyPike) or archived/marked Will Not Dispute.

  • The higher this is, the better. That means things are being worked on, either through disputing or by acknowledging that it's not something that needs action (either through being validly deducted or otherwise).

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