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Understanding Target Deductions
How to Find the Details of Target Contracts
How to Find the Details of Target Contracts

There are many different types of contracts. Knowing how to get there can be half the battle in winning a dispute!

Written by Clinton Rhodes
Updated over a week ago

If you're curious how to see the details of a Target Vendor Income contract, look no further!

Here's a quick guide to show you where to find all your contracts as well as what to click to get into the nitty gritty of them.

1. Find the Target Vendor Income app in your Apps & Reports (if you don't have it, ask one of your POL Admins to add the app for you)

2. Once you're in the app, click Advanced Search in the menu on the left.

3. Alternatively, you can just search for specific contract numbers if you know them.

4. In the Advanced Search, on the right-hand side, click the Contract Status drop down.

5. In this example, we'll choose Accepted to see Contracts that have been approved.

6. Check the box for the status.

7. Next, choose values you'd like to see from the Vehicles drop down.

8. If there are any specific calculations that are relevant to any contracts of interest, choose those from the Calculations drop down, examples seen below.

9. When you've made all your filtering selections, click Apply to show contracts you can select.

10. From the list provided, click the Contract Name. This will open a new tab in your browser with the details page of the contract. In the new tab you'll be able to see the length of the contract, it's frequency of deductions (weekly, monthly, quarterly, one time), as well as the scope of items covered under the contract.

11. Click the Documents button to get a link to Target's Vendor Income reporting dashboards in Greenfield.

12. Click the link under Document ID to see more details of the contract from a reporting point of view (such as specific items and their performance related to the contract).

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