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Target Supplier Action Status

Learn how to use this new feature for Target SupplyPike

Written by Clinton Rhodes
Updated over 6 months ago


Throughout 2021 and 2022, when we were building Deduction Navigator for Target, we noticed that Target rarely, if ever, used the AwaitingInfo status in Synergy.

Recently, during late Q1 and Q2 of 2023, Target started using this status more frequently. When they do, they're requesting a vendor provide more information to support a dispute case in Synergy. To make those visible in our app, we've launched the Supplier Action status for Target, which should be familiar to anyone who uses our software for Walmart (Supplier Action) or Kroger (Pending Vendor).

Working with the status

When Target moves a Synergy case to AwaitingInfo status, we'll update our app and move the dispute from Target Research status on the In Progress tab to the Urgent tab in Supplier Action status.

When you click into a Supplier Action status dispute, you'll want to check the new Synergy Work Notes section of the details page to see what Target is requesting.

Target's request of the vendor is shown with the message next to the Target logo. If there are multiple messages, you can click the 'View more' link to see any other comments (including previous ones you might have added on the same case).

You can add your response or any additional context you'd like to provide in the Synergy Work Notes Response text box.

You can also add documents available for the case and these will be sent to Synergy as well.

Once you've added any extra documents and a response (if you choose), you can press the 'Update Dispute' button to send the changes back to Synergy for Target to respond to.

As always, feel free to reach out to your SupplyPike team with any questions!

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