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RDD Validity

Learn how validity is determined for Target return-damage-defective (RDD) deductions.

Written by Clinton Rhodes
Updated over 7 months ago

Almost every Target vendor gets return-damage-defective (RDD) deductions. They're often not for large amounts one by one, and there are often a large number of them. Think of them as paper cuts. Because of this, it usually doesn't make sense to have a person validate whether these deductions should be disputed. When you get a lot of these paper cuts, however, it can turn into death by a thousand cuts. So how can they be addressed?

Thankfully, SupplyPike is a software company. We can build a scalable way to assess whether return deductions are valid and should be disputed, leaving the decision on whether to do so up to a person (or their usage of our Auto Dispute feature accessed via Settings in the upper left of the app).

What are the validity criteria for return deductions?

  1. Item ownership

  2. Policy usage

  3. Item cost

Item Ownership

Here, we check whether an item's DPCI or UPC are actually under the vendor ID that the deduction has been issued to. If they haven't, then we'll flag that as Likely Invalid within the app. This is currently available in the app.

Policy usage

Target doesn't always use the correct policy. When the policy used is different from the primary policy listed in LaunchPad, we flag that as Likely Invalid within the app.

Item Cost

Sometimes an incorrect cost is assigned to an item when issuing a deduction. For example, if an item's cost should be $2.40 and Target assesses a deduction for the item at $2.45, depending on how many items are part of the deduction, this can potentially add up to a lot of $ on a deduction. We're still working on the most efficient way to make this comparison. We're hoping to have it in app sometime during the second half of 2024 or first half of 2025, pending other priorities.

How do I check validity in SupplyPike?

Step 1: Click the Readiness filter on the Urgent or New tab

Step 2: Choose Likely Invalid from the Validity drop down

Step 3: Click into a deduction to see which type validity is being called out

Things to look forward to

  • Automatically listing the exact items that are triggering 'Likely Invalid' in the Dispute Explanation box

  • Automatically updating the Dispute Type for the case to be created to use the appropriate type based on what triggered 'Likely Invalid'

  • Automatically updating the Dispute Amount for the case to be created to use only the amounts from the items that are triggering 'Likely Invalid'

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