What is a Carrier Tracker Spreadsheet?
Sometimes, you as the supplier have access to additional information that would help our integrations tools find and match shipping documents more quickly and efficiently. As an example, you may receive a monthly statement from Fedex that lists all your tracking numbers cross-referenced to PO numbers. In a case like this, you might want to provide that information to us via a Carrier Tracker Spreadsheet. This information is usually provided as a cross-reference between PO numbers, invoice numbers, destination zip codes, and carrier tracking numbers, which we're able to import into PO-related deductions to find shipping documents such as BOLs and/or PODs to help you dispute your shortage deductions.
When is a Carrier Tracker Spreadsheet needed?
Ultimately, a Carrier Tracker Spreadsheet is needed when the data available in a retailer portal is not sufficient to successfully locate and match shipping documents to deductions. This may be due to how the order was shipped or what data elements are needed to search by in a carrier/3PL portal.
Small parcel/ground collect shipments are a good example where a Carrier Tracker Spreadsheet is needed. In this instance, a BOL is not commonly available and a POD is necessary for disputing. To locate the matching POD, we require additional shipping information, namely tracking details.
How often are Carrier Tracker Spreadsheets processed by SupplyPike?
We recommend no more often than a monthly cadence for this process due to the processing time required on our side, and because the retailer dispute timeframes are long enough to allow plenty of time for disputing after the documents are found.
Which columns should the spreadsheet contain?
PO Number (required)
Invoice Number (optional but preferred)
Zip Code (optional)
Carrier Tracking number (required)
How should the spreadsheet be formatted?
The general layout should be similar to the example below.
If possible:
Provide the spreadsheets in Excel or CSV format.
Avoid putting any labels inside cells, such as the PO Number cell showing "PO 123456". We would have to remove "PO" and the space before we could process the spreadsheet.
Avoid adding more than one reference number in any cell, such as two or more POs or several tracking numbers in one cell (even if followed by commas). We would have to separate those out to have a 1-to-1 relationship before we could process the spreadsheet.
Avoid 9-digit zip codes (12345-1234) if possible, we would need to remove the last 4 digits and the dash number to process the spreadsheet.
Avoid having bullet points, dashes, or numerical prefixes or suffixes on any of the primary numbers.
Remove linking capability from any fields in a column.
In cases where there are multiple tracking numbers for one PO, each tracking number should be on a separate row and the PO number should be repeated in its column.
Examples of these issues are in red below.
Where should I send the Carrier Tracker spreadsheet?
You should send an email to your Customer Success Manager and add the support@supplypike.com email address as well. This will create a ticket in our support system and make it easy to process the request and keep you updated on the progress.