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Amazon Compliance Chargebacks

Also known as operational chargebacks, compliance chargebacks are difficult to reverse but generally easier to prevent.

Achraf Hamidi avatar
Written by Achraf Hamidi
Updated over a week ago

When a vendor accepts Amazon's invitation as a 1P vendor and signs on as an ordering source, the vendor also agrees to comply with a set of supply chain requirements and standards laid out in Amazon's vendor manual. When the vendor does not comply with these requirements, a fine is charged due to the infraction. This monetary fine is called a chargeback.

Can I dispute these chargebacks?

Yes, unless Amazon reverses or waives a chargeback, vendors can dispute any chargebacks they consider invalid. Vendors have 30 days from the Chargeback Invoice Date to dispute any chargeback and can only dispute it twice.

Operational chargebacks are mostly valid as they usually involve effort from Amazon's end. For example, a bagging chargeback is created not only because Amazon thinks a given product was incorrectly bagged but also because Amazon workers at the FC had to re-bag that given product.

However, in cases where vendors know a given chargeback to be invalid or have negotiated a grace period with Amazon that was not applied, vendors can and should dispute these chargebacks.

How do I dispute these chargebacks?

Our new chargeback feature allows users to easily keep track of these compliance charges: which chargebacks are disputable, how long before they expire, which ones have been waived or reversed, and a section that explains why Amazon created the charge.

Our feature lets users easily dispute any chargebacks they deem invalid (except for PO On-Time Accuracy chargebacks, which will be disputable soon). To dispute or re-dispute a chargeback, users can follow the steps below:

  • Open your SupplyPike Amazon account and click on Chargebacks on the left navigation bar.

  • Once loaded, the page will list all of your chargebacks in 4 different buckets:

    • Actionable: includes all of the disputable chargebacks.
      โ€‹The "expiring: X days" tag allows you to prioritize reviewing and disputing chargebacks that are close to their expiration date.

    • In Progress: allows you to track the progress of chargebacks you've disputed.

    • Archived: hosts all of the finalized chargebacks (waived, expired, dispute resolved...), including any that you'd want to re-dispute.

    • All Chargebacks: allows you to view all your chargebacks simultaneously.

  • Click on any chargeback listed to view its details page. The details page is made up of the following sections:

Chargeback details card: will include information relating to the chargeback (chargeback number, type, date, amount, and corresponding PO number...).

Chargeback summary card: This card includes important information related to the infraction that caused the chargeback (product information, date the infraction was detected, total charge, number of non-compliance units, etc.).

Recommended Dispute Proof: This card will include details about the recommended proof for disputing the chargeback.

Dispute form: This form allows you to provide a dispute explanation, attach relevant proof documentation, and submit a dispute on any actionable chargeback.

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