Deductions Breakdown
At the very top of the CVS Dashboard you will see the Deductions Breakdown. This shows you the total dollars for all deductions received during the selected timeframe, the sum of dollars for deductions that have not been disputed, the sum of your approved disputes, as well as your dispute win rate. Your dispute win rate will be calculated based on dollars approved vs. total dollars either approved or denied.
Filtering the Deductions Dashboard Data
On the Deductions Dashboard you can filter the data displayed by a date range. Click on the Deduction Date button to select the desired date range. The data in the deductions summary and all graphs will automatically update to display data for date range selected.
This is a great way to get a snapshot in time, for example your deductions from the last 30 days. Just select the time frame and get a peek into your performance during that period. To reset the date simply click the Clear button, and the date range will revert back.
Deductions by Status
The Deduction by Status chart, will give you a look at the life cycle of deductions within CVS, and provide insight into which buckets dollars are currently sitting in. You can see the dollar amount in each status, such as Not Disputed, CVS Research, Supplier Action, Approved, Denied.
Deductions by Type
The Deduction by Type chart gives look into where your deductions at CVS fall. The chart will show the total count and amount associated with the deductions. A charge type that has a high dollar amount but a low count might indicate some larger deductions that occurred, and might be a jumping off point for something to dig into a little deeper in the Deductions List.
Deductions by Amount
The Deductions by Amount chart will identify the count or amount of your deductions based on the three buckets. Deductions that are less than $100, deductions that fall in between $100 and $1000, and then deductions that are greater than $1000. This can be useful in identifying the distribution of deductions received from CVS.