View Line and PO Cancellation Info
When a PO or a PO Line is canceled with Walmart, then it is possible to associate a cancel reason code to the PO or line. This cancellation, depending on the cancel reason code, can result in a Not In Full compliance issue. This information can be helpful to differentiate cancelled shorted orders that are expected, and shorted orders with no cancellation that may have been unexpected.
SupplyPike OTIF now includes this cancellation data when viewing POs from an In Full perspective or exporting OTIF data.
To view cancellation data on POs:
Open the Dashboard page, or open one of the Scorecard pages such as a DC scorecard or Carrier scorecard from inside the Analysis tab.
Scroll to the bottom of one of these pages to view the List of POs.
Make sure that the In Full metric is selected in the list of POs.
Now you can view the the Cancel Indicator and Cancel Reason Code columns as shown in the image below on the right side.
You can sort by these columns as well as export OTIF data to obtain this data for review.
A few more improvements:
In the trend graph, you can now click on weeks or months to quickly filter to that data.
The date range filter up top will now display the Walmart month or Walmart week that is selected for easier identification of what time period you're looking at.
The date range filter will now highlight the date ranges that we have data for, so you know exactly the time range of data available to view in SupplyPike OTIF.