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Re-submit a dispute

Use one-click disputing to re-submit a dispute that is Supplier Action, Cancelled, or Denied.

Krista Nicewarner avatar
Written by Krista Nicewarner
Updated over 2 weeks ago

SupplyPike Deductions app allows you to re-submit disputes that have been canceled, denied, or are pending supplier action, with one click. While SupplyPike Deductions app automates this resubmission for you, it’s still useful to understand how disputes are redisputed in the APDP portal.

  • Canceled and Denied disputes have been closed, and so SupplyPike Deductions app creates a new dispute and submits it.

  • Supplier Action disputes are still open, and the existing dispute can simply be updated with a new document or comment.

    • If the Walmart message references a document that they attached, you will find it in the Deduction History section. You can download it from there and attach it to your dispute if applicable.

    • Supplier Action disputes that originated in APDP will allow you to add a comment or attach a new document and then re-submit to APDP through SupplyPike Deductions app.

  • Walmart Research disputes are still open, and you can add attachments to them, but you can't re-submit them to Walmart. However, once Walmart addresses the dispute, if it's necessary to re-dispute, the attachments you added will be there and will be sent to Walmart in the redispute.

Steps to Re-Submit a Dispute

  • View the Deduction Details page for Supplier Action, Cancelled, or Denied disputes.

  • The most recent comment from Walmart will be highlighted at the top of the page. This will give you insight into what updates need to be made before redisputing the deduction.

  1. Add a Comment to explain why you are resubmitting.

  2. Add any requested or applicable documents, such as BOLs/PODs or other supporting documentation by either checking the box of an available document or click +Add Other Document to select a document from your computer.

  3. Click Update/Submit Dispute.

The deduction’s status will immediately change to Submitting Dispute... and the dispute will be re-submitted behind the scenes. Once it its accepted by Walmart, the status will change to Walmart Research.

Receipt in APDP

Re-submitted disputes will typically appear in APDP within seconds. If a high volume of disputes have recently been enqueued it could take several hours for disputes to submit, but rest assured that it’s on its way.

Dispute Failures

If APDP will not accept the dispute for a technical reason, then we immediately stop the process and the status will not change from the original status.

The cause of the failure will be clearly displayed in the Dispute Information section. From here, you can make corrections to the dispute and resubmit it to APDP.

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