Purchase Order Details
The OTIF Radar Purchase Order Details page allows you to view all relevant OTIF details about any PO, including:
compliance issue details
individual PO lines
confirmation/routing history on Collect POs
delivery appointments & callback requests on Prepaid POs
To access the Details page for any PO:
Click on the Purchase Orders tab at the top of the page.
Then, search for a specific PO number.
- OR -
Select the metric you're interested in and apply any filters you wish to find pertinent POs.Finally, click on the PO number on the left side to open the PO Details page.
That's it! Now you can view the full details of that order directly in OTIF Radar.
Confirmation History
If you are a collect supplier, you can view a history of all shipment confirmations, aka Requests For Routing, on the PO Details page for that PO, including any routing that was submitted but later removed.
The OTIF compliance program will always grade your routing timing on the last routing/confirmation submitted for a PO. If Walmart canceled a pickup after it was scheduled, then this original routing that is removed from Retail Link will still be in OTIF Radar for your visibility. This history allows you to see if you originally routed on time, but had to submit secondary routings leaving you with a Late Routing compliance issue.
Delivery Appointments and Callback Requests
If you are a prepaid supplier, you can view all delivery appointments scheduled with Walmart DCs on the order details page, as well as any callback requests submitted to Walmart on those appointments.
Callback requests on delivery appointments can include requests to Walmart to move your appointment date from outside the MABD delivery window to the inside of the window.
If any requests have been submitted to Walmart on the appointment, they will show on the right side of the delivery appointment.
To view the details of the callback request(s), just click View Callback(s) on the right side of the appointment.
PO Lines details
The Order Details page also shows you the performance of each PO line on the order, including all item details and compliance issues that any of the PO lines had.