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Overages Auto-Applied to Shortages

Learn how the SupplyPike Deductions app for Kroger automatically combines code 7 overages with code 6 shortages.

Ryan Petty avatar
Written by Ryan Petty
Updated over 5 months ago


Code 6 shortages represent deductions for items that Kroger was billed for, but did not receive.

Code 7 overages are Kroger payment amounts for items which they received, but were not billed for.

Sometimes an invoice will contain both a code 6 shortage and code 7 overage. Most often, the Code 6 deduction and Code 7 overage on the payment are directly related. This can happen if you bill Kroger for one UPC, but ship a slightly different UPC due to packaging or unit differences.

An Example from Lavante

Below is a screenshot of a supplier invoice in Lavante with both code 6 shortages and code 7 overages.

In this example, we have:

  • 3 items with a code 6 shortage deduction

  • 3 items with a code 7 overage credit

  • The NET deduction amount between these two codes is the shortage deduction amount (-4588.80 - 11,286.00 - 4,089.60) plus the overage credit amount (11,286.00 + 4089.60. + 3785.76), which comes to a total $803.04 deduction amount.

How SupplyPike shows you this scenario

In order to clarify deduction totals so you know exactly how much has been withheld, SupplyPike Deductions app for Kroger automatically combines these 2 code amounts on any individual invoice into an updated Code 6 deduction.

NOTE: Code 7 overages are ONLY applied to Code 6 deductions automatically. Code 7s do not seem to be related to other deductions and should not impact how much you should dispute on other codes.

Updated Example from SupplyPike

This is how the previous example is displayed in SupplyPike on the deduction detail page. You'll know that an overage credit has been applied.

We'll also show you the deduction and credit lines to review item level details.

We'll default your dispute amount to be based on the NET code 6 and code 7 combined amount, though you can override this if desired.

Code 6 deductions where an overage was applied can also be seen in the Deductions List View with an indicator.

Lastly, the Dashboard page will use the updated Code 6 deduction amount.

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