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How Do I Filter to See Only Partially Paid Disputes?
How Do I Filter to See Only Partially Paid Disputes?
Jason White avatar
Written by Jason White
Updated over 5 months ago

Our Walmart app automatically tracks your dispute payments, and now tracks your partial payments too! Our new partial payments feature lets you filter and view your partially paid disputes. You can easily filter down to the partially paid disputes and notify Walmart of the remaining dollars owed.

How Does The Filter Work?

  1. From the Deductions List in SupplyPike Deductions app, choose the ALL DEDUCTIONS bucket. You can also use this filter from the ARCHIVED bucket.

  2. Click on "More Filters" and choose "Partial" under PAID STATUS.

An orange dollar sign icon in the results list represents a partial payment, examples shown below.

Open the Deductions Details page for one of the results to see the partial payment in the green window at the top right-hand corner of the page.

How Do I Address Partial Payments With Walmart?

Unfortunately there is no way to dispute a deduction after it's been approved and partially paid, so the only recourse at that point is to contact EBS on a case-by-case basis or with a list of partial payments that you can export from SupplyPike Deductions app after using the filter above. Their contact information is below:

Enterprise Business Systems

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