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In App Payment Terms

Learn about the Payment Terms page in your Settings.

Written by Clinton Rhodes
Updated over 6 months ago


Payment terms can be difficult to track down in Partners Online. We included them in our app to simplify the process and provide some information about payment timing.

If you have more general questions about what are payment terms or where to find them in Partners Online, check out our other article that answers those questions.

Payment Terms

Click your settings icon in the upper right-hand of your app to access Settings.

Step 1: Click the Settings icon next to your vendor name.

Step 2: In Settings, click the Payment Terms page.

Let's briefly go through what each column represents.

  • Dept: Every merchandising department within Target has its own payment terms. This column shows you which department the terms are for.

  • State: This tells you whether the payment terms are current or no longer in effect.

  • Disc %: This tells you what % discount, if any, is offered to Target if they pay on time.

  • Description: This will be NET unless your terms agreed to are for specific days in the future, like on the next instance of the 10th or 20th of a month.

  • Days: This is how many days after the invoice is sent or received that Target has to pay the invoice. More on this below.

  • Effective Date: This is the date the terms became current.

  • Ended Date: This is the date the terms were no longer in effect.

Payment Timing

Target's relationships with vendors vary from vendor to vendor. Some vendors consider the clock on payment terms to begin when they ship a product, while others consider it from the time Target receives it. Target would prefer this to always be from the time they receive the product, but that is not a universally applied rule across vendors.

We currently add 7 days to the due date, calculated from the date the invoice was sent before we mark it as Past Due and enable disputing in our app.

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