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SQEP Overview

This article describes the functionality, questions, and metrics of SupplyPike’s SQEP application.

Written by Hudson Bercier
Updated yesterday


The general goal of our SQEP solution is to better visualize this new compliance program within Walmart to understand the biggest areas of revenue loss and address issues. Walmart is currently monitoring 63 defects, with more potentially on the way.



The SQEP Dashboard gives high level visibility into this compliance program. Data is automatically filtered to the current month and is reflected throughout most of this page based on the month(s) you have selected in the calendar filter.

The "Charges Over Time" and "Defect Trends" charts will show data for the whole year or what is available. This is mostly used to analyze fine patterns and biggest areas of concern.

The Month Summary below these charts is available to go one tier deeper and show problem areas within each of the main 6 buckets of defects.


The SQEP Defects page pulls in the transactional data for each Defect that is found. Relevant columns have been pulled in from Retail Link data to give insight into different issues with a detail page linked on each PO Number for more information.

Here is where you can get more information on each Defect to help resolve and prevent them in the future. POs can be charged with multiple defects, so seeing what went wrong all in one spot can be beneficial.

SQEP Defect Images

The SQEP Defects page additionally pulls in the images uploaded by Walmart during their inspections. The photos themselves, defect category and sub-type, ticket number and item number are included.

Filtering and downloading of the images is available for use, making it easy to find the pictures you want for disputing, reporting, or even root causation purposes. Additionally, we have added the ability to rotate the image, as many images come in upside down, sideways, etc.

The SQEP Defect categories that Walmart will provide images for include: Case Compliance, Pallet Compliance, Packaging Compliance, and Load Compliance. ASN Compliance and PO Line Accuracy will not have any images, since they are not physical issues.


What is SQEP?

Walmart has implemented a Supplier Quality Excellence Program (SQEP) to hold suppliers to a higher standard and maintain supply chain compliance. These changes are expected to reduce handling costs and expedite the shipping process. SQEP applies to all online suppliers using Walmart fulfillment centers.

Below is the rollout order of its phases:

  • Phase 1: PO Accuracy and Advanced Shipping Notice (ASN)

  • Phase 2: Barcode and Labeling

  • Phase 3: Load Quality, Pallet Quality, Packaging

  • Phase 4: Scheduling & Transportation

What is the Timeline of each SQEP Phase?


Focus Point

Release Quarter

Phase 1b

PO Accuracy

Q1 FYE22

Phase 1c


Q2 FYE22

Phase 2

Barcode and Labeling Compliance

Q3 FYE22

Phase 3

Packaging, Pallet, and Load Compliance

Q1 FYE23

Phase 4

Scheduling and Transportation


What is Fixit? Is it integrated with this tool?

FixIt is another part of the SQEP compliance program which is used to help suppliers view and correct problems with Labeling, Packaging, and other compliance issues.

Phase 2 and 3 defects are found through random inspection, and if identified, will be made visible in the FixIt inspections dashboard (only called "FixIt" in the Retail Link apps page). This dashboard is separate from the SQEP dashboard in the Retail Link apps page as well.

Each Ticket in the dashboard can be inspected further where corrective actions to fix these issues can be made. Walmart can be communicated with as well within the ticket for more clarification.

We are not currently integrated with Fixit data but feedback from suppliers like you will help gauge the importance and value of adding this feature. Reach out to or via in-app chat if you have any feedback!

Can SQEP Fines be Disputed?

Yes, any SQEP fine can currently be disputed through High Radius. The required proof documentation varies for these disputes but using Fixit to track down photos of invalid fines has been common. The most commonly invalid fines are related to overages, which unfortunately will not have associated Fixit tickets, but they can be disputed similarly to an In Full fine. Reach out with more questions or feedback on disputing!


PO Lines Ordered

The number of PO Lines that were ordered and are eligible to receive Defects.

Total Inspected

The combined number of cases, pallets, and loads inspected for Defects within their respective compliance defect category.

# of Defects

The combined number of Defects found within any Defect Category.

Total Defect Charges

The combined amount of charges received from any Defect Category.

Supplier DPM Score

The Defects Per Million amount for each Defect Category. If a million cases were ordered and inspected, the number in this column is how many defects would've been found for this Defect Category.

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