Not Disputed - No dispute has ever been created for the deduction.
Walmart Research - A dispute has been created, and is waiting on Walmart to either request further information or make a decision in favor of or against the supplier.
Supplier Action - A dispute has been created, and Walmart is putting the ball back in the vendor's court and requesting additional information be provided before they make a decision.
Approved - Walmart has closed the case and agreed to pay back any amount of the deduction greater than zero, and we are still waiting to see payment proof.
Denied - Walmart has closed the case without agreeing to pay back any amount of the deduction.
Cancelled - Walmart had canceled the dispute either before it reached a resolution (Approved/Denied/Supplier Action) or the supplier did not respond within the Supplier Action window.
Settled - The claim falls under a determined settlement period, therefore not making it disputable
Paid - We have seen proof of payment come through for the deduction.
Expired - No dispute has ever been created for this deduction, and it has exceeded Walmart's 2-year dispute window from the payment date of the invoice with the deduction.
Archived - While technically not a deduction status, it's worth mentioning here. When a deduction in any of the statuses above is archived, an Archived indicator will appear underneath the status. All archived deductions will be moved to the Archived tab.

Written by Carter King
Updated over 2 weeks ago