Walmart Deductions Suggested Workflow
Jason White avatar
Written by Jason White
Updated over a week ago


Once you've received your training on the Deductions app and submitted a few deductions, you may be thinking about how to use the app efficiently when it's time to jump in and work. This article provides some helpful tips to incorporate into your disputing workflow.

Where to Start

Click on the Deductions tab, then select Actionable.

This will display deductions that are in both Not Dispute and Supplier Action status'.

Respond to Supplier Action Claims

Click the Status filter and select Supplier Action status from the dropdown to check for any disputes that Walmart may have sent back to you for review.

Review the Deduction Details section by clicking the > arrow to open the claim. Each Supplier Action claim will display the response that Walmart provided.

It's good practice to attempt to address any issues Walmart brings up in their response and respond with your message addressing their issues and explaining your case.

*Note that re-disputing a deduction in Supplier Action status does not count as your last dispute, so treat it as a penalty-free opportunity to re-dispute, even if you change nothing before sending it back!

To re-dispute the deduction, update the Dispute Reason field with additional information you want to provide. Attach any additional documentation, then click Update Dispute.

Create a List of Deductions That Need Shipping Documents

Click on the Readiness filter and choose Not Ready, click on the Code filter and choose codes 22, 24, 25, and 28 to filter all shortage deductions that do NOT have shipping documents. Click the Export button to download a spreadsheet and send it to your warehouse or team, letting them know you need BOLs/PODs for the listed deductions uploaded to your portal or other file storage location. This will allow the SupplyPike integration to find and match the documents to the proper deduction.

Re-dispute Denied and Cancelled Disputes

Go to the ARCHIVED (or ALL DEDUCTIONS) tab. Click on the Status filter and choose the Denied status to review any dispute claims that were denied by Walmart. Keep in mind that denied disputes can be re-disputed one more time. Review the Walmart message and work/re-dispute the claim accordingly, using the comment field to respond directly to Walmart's denial comments.

Stay in the ARCHIVED (or ALL DEDUCTIONS) tab and change the status from Denied to Cancelled. This allows you to review any disputes that were sent back from Walmart with Supplier Action status, then canceled by Walmart after 7-14 days without action from you. Deductions with canceled status can be re-disputed and it does not count as the last re-dispute!

Quickly Find Your Largest Deductions

Click on the Sort by dropdown menu (found at the top center of the results frame) and change it to Claim Amount, Descending to easily review the deductions with the highest dollar amount.

Save Time with the Quick Filters Funnel

  • To check for expiring deductions in the ACTIONABLE tab, click the QUICK FILTERS funnel icon (to the left of the search window) to filter for deductions Expiring Soon. This filter will show all deductions that are within 2 weeks of expiring.

  • Go to the IN PROGRESS tab, click the QUICK FILTERS icon, and select Older than 60 Days to view disputes that have been in Walmart Research for more than two months. Use the Export button to create a spreadsheet to send to Walmart's EBS team, asking them to process these disputes.

  • In the ARCHIVED tab, click the QUICK FILTERS icon and select Approved but not paid to view disputes that have been approved but are still awaiting payment. Use the Export button to create a spreadsheet and send to Walmart's EBS team, asking them to process and pay these disputes.

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