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Auto Dispute CVS Deductions

How to configure auto-dispute settings with SupplyPike

Parker Johnson avatar
Written by Parker Johnson
Updated over 7 months ago

What is Auto Dispute, and how does it work?

Auto Disputing enables users to eliminate manual work in the disputing process. This feature is available for all CVS Warehouse Payable Deductions, but it will likely be most valuable in disputing shortages, where SupplyPike can help gather all the available proof documentation automatically.

Only Not Disputed deductions can be auto-disputed. On the Auto Dispute Settings page, the user can set the attachment criteria and dollar threshold, and then we'll handle the rest magically!

How do I set up Auto Dispute?

Click on the cog in the top right-hand corner while on the Dashboard or Deductions page within CVS. This will take you to the Supplier Settings Page, and from there you can configure settings for Auto Dispute.

First, you will want to make sure you have your Default Settings configured exactly as you would like. Check out this article for more details on your Default Dispute Settings. These settings will designate 1) What freight term (shipping method) is standard for your process and 2) The default dispute reason you would like to include each time. And remember, these settings apply across the board, not only for deductions that will be auto-disputed!

After you've made sure you have the defaults set up as you would like, you can come to the Auto Dispute Settings and then designate, specifically for auto-disputing, the attachments and threshold criteria you would like applied.

The threshold or "Deduction Amount Limit" sets the maximum dollar amount you want to dispute. For example, entering $500 in the box below will auto dispute any deduction under the $500 threshold, and allow you to review anything larger than that in more detail before submitting on your own.

Be sure to enable auto-disputing and toggle on each deduction type you would like us to support. Keep in mind which attachments you would like to include with each dispute as well, or follow our default recommendations.

Is there anything that won't be Auto-Disputed?

What gets disputed depends on your configurations from above. Attachments will likely be the biggest factor needed for each individual deduction. Be sure to work with us on carrier integrations and connections if you notice disputes not being submitted due to a lack of required attachments.

We have daily limits on how much we will auto-dispute, which may be specific to your account. We do this to ensure that a reasonable number of disputes are sent to the retailer daily. Deductions that appear to be ready to dispute could be in the queue for the next day or later in the week.

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