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Walmart Deductions List View

View, search, and filter your Walmart deductions.

Written by Hudson Bercier
Updated over 5 months ago

The Deductions List View

To view your deductions, click on the Deductions tab at the top of the page.

The Deductions page provides you with a list of all deductions and details on the deductions, including the claim code, claim amount, claim dates, and all other details. We informally refer to this page as the Deductions List View.

The Deductions List View organizes your claims into six (6) buckets - Urgent, New, Follow Up, In Progress, Resolved, and All. Click on each bucket to see deductions based on their status.

  • Urgent: The Urgent bucket is the first place you’ll want to check every time you log in. This displays all claims that need action within the next 14 days. This will show claims that have a status of “Not Disputed” or “Supplier Action”.

  • New: The New bucket will list your undisputed deductions all in one place, including any urgent claims that were also found in the Urgent bucket. This will show all claims with a "Not Disputed" status.

  • Follow Up: The Follow Up bucket contains the deductions that will need your attention for their 2nd, or even 3rd action! This will show deductions with a status of "Supplier Action", "Denied", "Canceled", and even "Approved" (for those pesky partial approval scenarios).

  • In Progress: The In Progress bucket displays claims that are waiting for a Walmart response. This bucket will show only claims that have the status of “Walmart Research.”

  • Resolved: The Resolved bucket will act more like your "completed" bucket. This is where your archived, expired, settled, fully approved, and fully paid deductions will appear.

  • All: a comprehensive list of all deductions. Use this bucket for comprehensive deduction searches or reporting.

Searching for a Deduction

The Deductions List View page contains a variety of search and filtering options at the top of the list.

Use the Search box to search for a specific deduction - for example, you can type in the PO number, claim number, invoice number, Walmart item number, or check number to find what you’re looking for quickly. You can also search for up to 100 deductions at a time by clicking into the Search box and selecting Search Multiple. You can search claim or PO numbers if you separate them by commas, spaces, or new lines. The filtering options are also available to narrow your deductions list down based on the status, claim code, attached documents, date, and more.


Filtering Deductions by Date

To filter the list of deductions by a date range, click on the Dates filter and use the calendar to select the desired date range. 

By default, claims are displayed by Claim Date. You can also select to filter by Invoice Date, Check Date, Dispute Date, Approved Date, or Denied Date using the date filter.

Filtering Deductions by Status

To filter the list of the deductions by status, click the Status drop-down menu and select the status(es) you wish to view. You can select more than one at a time. 

All deductions that have an associated dispute whose status matches the selected status(es) will be displayed.

Sometimes, one deduction will have multiple statuses based on the status of each claim line. For example, if a deduction was disputed through APDP and has 3 claim lines in Walmart Research status and 2 claim lines in Approved status, that deduction would be returned when you filter for either "Approved" status or "Walmart Research" status.

Filtering Deductions by Code

To filter the deductions by claim codes, click the Code drop-down menu and select the desired code(s).

Filter by Root Cause

To filter by root cause, click the Root Cause drop-down menu, and select the desired cause(s).

Filter by Document Type

You can also filter your deductions list by documents that are attached to them. For example, you may want to filter to see all Not Disputed code 22s that have a Bill of Lading attached.

To do this, click the Documents button and, using the drop-down menu, select With or Without, and the Document Type (such as Bill of Lading).

More Filters

The More Filters button lets you filter your list view to see only claims that are ready to dispute. This filter is super helpful because it can narrow down a long list of claims to only those that include the necessary supporting documentation and are ready to be disputed today.

In addition, you have options to filter by archived status, dispute type, departments, dispute count, dispute portals, and view any disputes that were auto-disputed, disputed using the Deductions app, or failed disputes.

As you filter your deductions list, the Total Claim Amount, as well as number of claims, will be updated based on the deductions displayed. To reset your filters, click the Clear option.

Deduction Details

Click the > button to view additional information on the dispute and to submit a dispute to APDP.  For instructions on submitting your dispute, please see Submit a Dispute.

Export Deductions List

You can export a list of your displayed deductions by clicking the Export button in the top right corner.  Deductions will be exported to CSV format, which can be opened using Excel or another spreadsheet program. You can export by the deductions or by claim line. If exporting by claim line, you will typically have more lines of data, as this export includes all lines within one claim, rather than just the singular claim itself.

*Note: The deductions export will export only the deductions available based on the filters you have selected. Also note, it will export all results, not just the results that are showing on the current page.

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