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How do I archive a deduction?
Krista Nicewarner avatar
Written by Krista Nicewarner
Updated over 2 weeks ago

Deductions Buckets

​Urgent: All deductions that are within 14 days of expiration and have not been archived/paid will be included in this bucket.

New: By default, all deductions that have not been disputed and not paid or expired will be included in the New bucket.
Follow Up: All deductions that have been disputed at least once, have not been archived, paid, or expired will appear here.

In Progress: After a dispute has been submitted and is pending, it will be moved to the In Progress bucket.
Resolved: All deductions that have been fully approved, paid, or archived will appear in this bucket.

All: All deductions can be found here, so this is an ideal bucket for comprehensive searches and reporting via exports.

How to Archive a Deduction

Learn how to archive a claim in SupplyPike in just a few easy steps! This quick tutorial will help you keep your claims organized and your workspace clutter-free.

If you prefer a non-video option, see the steps below!

How to Archive a Deduction

There are some deductions that you may not wish to dispute, and instead of leaving them in the Urgent, New, or Follow Up bucket, you can archive them, which will move them into the Resolved bucket. They will still show their current status, but an archived indicator will be added underneath their status.

Archiving an Individual Deduction

To archive a single deduction:

- Open the Deduction Details page.
- Click on the Archive button in the top right-hand corner of the frame.

This will place the deduction into the Resolved bucket and the archived indicator will appear underneath the status.

Bulk Archiving Deductions

To archive multiple deductions at once, please click on this link to our help article on this subject!

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