Submit disputes in bulk

How to use Deductions Navigator's bulk dispute functionality

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Written by Support
Updated over a week ago


Deductions Navigator allows you to submit multiple disputes with a single click from the deduction list page.

To initiate a bulk dispute, use the checkboxes on the left side of the card to select the deductions you'd like to dispute, then choose "Submit Disputes" in the top right corner. You can select up to 100 records per page to dispute.

All selected disputes will be enqueued and submitted to the APDP dispute portal following our normal dispute process. If you have enqueued a high volume of disputes in a short period of time it could take several minutes to a few hours for all of them to complete.

Deductions will display a status of Submitting Dispute while they are waiting, and once successfully submitted they will update to a status of Walmart Research.

Best Practices

  • Bulk disputing works best with deductions that are Ready to dispute! Use the filter to quickly find deductions that have all recommended proof documentation attached.

  • Bulk disputing is only available for deductions whose status is Not Disputed

  • If you'd like to add the same dispute description to multiple deductions before disputing, use the Edit Description feature

  • If you'd like to add the same document to multiple deductions, use the Add Document feature


  • Why do I not see an option to bulk dispute deductions?

    • Bulk disputing is only available for SupplyPike customers on an annual contract rather than month-to-month. Ready to convert to annual? Let us know at!

  • Are bulk disputes considered in the daily dispute limit?

    • Yes, the limit of 750 disputes per day covers all disputes submitted through Deductions Navigator to Walmart, including bulk and individual disputes. We enforce this limit because we have seen high daily dispute volumes correlate with delays in Walmart's dispute resolution.

  • How does bulk disputing work with APDP disputes?

    • Bulk disputing will continue to work with Walmart's new APDP portal. It is still limited to deductions that have an overall status of Not Disputed. When initiating a bulk dispute, all claim lines under each deduction will be submitted to APDP.

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