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Purchase Orders List View

Learn how to access and use the Purchase Orders list view.

Krista Nicewarner avatar
Written by Krista Nicewarner
Updated over 3 weeks ago

The Purchase Orders tab in OTIF Radar allows users to view, search, and filter the list of POs. From here, you can use filters to match certain scenarios that are worthy of investigation, or that may represent potentially invalid charges.

Accessing your Purchase Orders

From the OTIF Radar Dashboard, click on the Purchase Orders tab at the top of the page.

Date, Vendor ID, and Prepaid/Collect Filters

In the top right corner of the Purchase Orders page, you'll see several filters that allow you to update the PO data displayed on the list view below.

  1. Data Updated Date: This date and time indicate the last time the data in view has been updated through your Retail Link integration.

  2. Date Range: Select the Walmart Week or Walmart Month that you would like to view PO's for.

  3. Vendor IDs: Select all Vendor IDs or individual IDs that you would like to view PO's for.

  4. Prepaid/Collect: If you would like to view PO's for only Prepaid or only Collect, use the drop-down menu to select it.

Using the Purchase Order Filters

The Purchase Orders list view contains several filters to help you narrow the list of POs. This can help you to identify and investigate PO's that may represent potentially invalid charges.

  1. Select either the In Full, Prepaid On-Time, or Collect Ready tabs to view PO's for that metric. A list of those non-compliant PO's will be displayed.

  2. Search: If you would like to search for a specific PO within the currently filtered PO list, enter the PO number or OMS PO number in the Search box.

  3. Additional Filters: Additional filters will be displayed based on the metric type you have selected. For more information on these additional filters, view this article.

  4. Download: Click the Download button to export the filtered list of PO Data or PO Line Data.

Purchase Orders List

The Purchase Orders list will update based on the filters that are selected.

  • Fine: Based on the filters selected, this will show the fine from non-compliant PO's in the list view.

  • Number of Non-Compliant Cases: Based on the filtered selected, this will detail the number of cases that were non-compliant.

  • Number of Purchase Orders: The number of purchase order displayed in the list view.

  • Purchase Order Details: Click on the PO number to view details on the individual PO. For more information on the Purchase Orders Details page, please visit this article.

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