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Add a document to multiple deductions

Using the bulk upload feature on the Deductions List page

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Written by Support
Updated over 2 weeks ago

For certain claim codes, it can be useful to attach the same document to multiple deductions all at once. This short video will show you how to efficiently attach multiple files in SupplyPike, saving you time and effort in your disputing process.

If you prefer a non-video option, see the steps below!

How to Attach a File in Bulk

From the Deductions list page, you can filter for relevant deductions, then use the checkboxes to select those deductions and choose "Add Document." Select the document you want to upload, and choose the appropriate document type. Once you select "Upload," the document will be attached to all selected deductions. You can later delete the document from individual deductions if needed.

As soon as a document is uploaded, it will be selected and ready to use for a dispute.

Example use cases:

  • Attach a copy of your Supplier Agreement to all code 54 deductions to prove that a warehouse allowance is not in your contract.

  • Attach a returns report to all code 94 deductions to prove that YTD defective returns have not exceeded the amount given in defective allowance.

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