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Using Auto Dispute
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Written by Support
Updated over 3 months ago

What is Auto Dispute?

Auto disputing is an exciting feature that takes the manual work out of the disputing process. This is a zero-touch, automated dispute-submitting feature that will enable you to put your deductions disputing on autopilot.

Auto Dispute is available for the following deduction codes:




13, 14, 15, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 28


42, 46, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 59, 67, 68, 69, 70, 150, 151


92, 94 (The respective 60s and 44s that are normally attached, will be disputed as well)

How does it work for Pricing and Shortage deductions?

For Pricing and Shortage deductions, only 'Not Disputed' deductions flagged as "ready to dispute" will have the ability to be Auto Disputed. "Ready to dispute" refers to a deduction that has the necessary proof documentation attached based on the claim code and shipping method.

How does it work for Allowance Deductions?

For allowance deductions, only 'Not Disputed' deductions flagged as "ready to dispute" that we have deemed to be an 'Invalid' deduction will be Auto Disputed. To set up validity judgments on your allowance deductions, you must upload your Supplier Agreements. See this article for more information regarding how to upload your Supplier Agreements.

How does it work for Return Deductions?

For return deductions, only 'Not Disputed' deductions flagged as "ready to dispute" that we have deemed to be an 'Invalid' deduction will be Auto Disputed. "Ready to dispute" for return deductions would mean the proper Supplier Agreement(s) are attached.

Do I have control over what gets auto-disputed?

Yes! You can choose which available codes from this list you would like to be set to Auto Dispute as well as the dollar threshold if desired. For instructions on how to use this function, see the โ€œHow do I set up Auto Dispute?" section.

Is there an Auto Dispute limit?

Any auto disputed claims will count towards the 750 claim daily dispute limit.

When will it be Auto Disputed?

All disputes flagged for Auto Dispute will be submitted before 12:00 PM CST each day.

Can I view which claims were Auto Disputed?

Yes! You will be able to use the Auto Disputed filter on the Deductions page. Auto Disputed Deductions will also be viewable on the deduction's detail page, and in the deductions export.

How do I set up Auto Dispute?

Click on the cog in the top right-hand corner of the SupplyPike Deductions app Walmart home page. This will take you to the Supplier Settings Page, and from here you can configure settings for Auto Dispute, Auto Archive, and Auto Hide.

From The Auto Dispute Settings page, you have the ability to Auto Dispute specific codes listed in the Supplier settings. After you have selected which codes you want to Auto Dispute, you can choose validity criteria for each one via the dropdown menu.

At the bottom of the page, you can choose to set a minimum or maximum dollar amount for auto-disputed deductions. If you enter numbers into both fields it will create a dollar amount range, and any deductions with amounts falling inside that range will be auto-disputed.

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