Release Notes - December 28, 2023
We've changed the logic for the 'last updated' timestamp shown throughout the app. It now shows the last time we successfully logged into POL to check for new data, not only when we actually get new data (the previous behavior).
Updated the default sorting for each list view page. Now the Time Left sort only applies to the Actionable tab by default. Other tabs use the date of the deduction as the default sort.
Squashed some bugs related to the new compliance deductions showing in the app.
Release Notes - December 7, 2023
Compliance deductions (On Time, Fill Rate, ASN) are here! See them in app and dispute invalid ones before their 90 day window closes!
We've also updated some of the names to be more intuitive than what initially comes out of the SPMD. Sub-classifications are available with each deduction if you need to know what kind of early or late a deduction is.
DPCI standardization within SupplyPike - Target is inconsistent within POL in how they show their Department-Class-Item (DPCI) labels. Sometimes Department is 4 digits, sometimes it's 2 or 3, etc. Within SupplyPike, including exports, it will always be shown as DDD-CC-IIII.
Improvements made to speed up the invoices pages.
Files that ended in .msg weren't properly uploading due to some inconsistency in the Synergy portal. We've accounted for this now and now allow .msg files to actually be uploaded.
Related to the above, for file uploads, the Buyer Approval option has been updated to match Synergy and say Email Approval.
Release Notes - November 23, 2023
Multi-search is here! You can now search deductions for more than one invoice, PO, or document number at a time. Invoices can be searched by invoice or PO number. Search for up to 100 at a time!
Occasionally you might need to dispute an invoice before we mark it as Past Due. Filter your All Invoices tab for Open or Unprocessed and any that are past their initial due date can be disputed.
Fixed a bug where supplier action deductions might seem to be submitted multiple times.
Updated some queries to speed things up when fetching EDI data.
Release Notes - November 9, 2023
Fixed a bug that would occasionally cause invoice PDFs to not generate.
Updated to showing the net amount, rather than the gross amount, for the green paid box in a invoice details page.
Release Notes - October 12, 2023
Target occasionally makes mistakes with their Synergy case statuses or will use confusing resolution language in combination with Synergy case statuses. We updated our deduction status logic to account for this. You might see a few more paid or approved deductions as a result.
Tweaked how we do some Synergy case lookups for invoices to speed up the invoice pages.
Added some extra retries for chargebacks when POL initially can't provide all their data.
Release Notes - September 28, 2023
New Days Left added for each row on the list view of deductions! Never wonder how much longer something has to dispute. Now you'll always know.
Added a column for internal notes and readiness to the invoices export.
Fixed a bug where files that had slashes in their filename were failing to upload.
Release Notes - September 14, 2023
Added the Supplier Action status column to the Dashboard export.
Added more persistence for attachment uploads to Synergy.
Release Notes - August 31, 2023
We made several changes in the background to try and make the app go faster for you.
Added a new Timeliness card for deduction details. This will tell you how long you have left to dispute something. More updates around time remaining coming in the future.
Added new columns to our exports by request to improve the usefulness of our exports:
For invoice exports:
Deductions related to an invoice
The above mentioned deductions' primary Synergy case number
The email of the account that created a Synergy dispute
For deductions exports:
The email of the account that created a Synergy dispute
Made a change in how we check and match PO numbers to deductions and invoices. You should see more PO #s in app, especially for unpaid invoices.
Updated our 856 ASN processing to better handle pick and packs.
Release Notes - August 17, 2023
Bulk Archiving and Unarchiving added for invoices. Use from the Actionable page or Archived tabs respectively.
Updated the language shown for tabs that do not have invoices to more accurately reflect why there are no invoices shown.
New Invoice Details Export added! Enjoy 41 columns of item level detail related to invoices. Click the Export button just like the normal Invoices export and choose the new option.
Removed supplier agreements as a condition for readiness for code A032.
Removed the 'Deduction Lines' count from the detail page dispute container.
Target's Synergy portal calculates months a little funny, so we updated our "is expired?" logic to more accurately account for that.
Dispute Count filter added for invoices.
Added a filter for 'Has Deductions' on the invoice pages.
Cleaned up some of the spacing for Synergy Work Notes of previous cases within a deduction's detail page.
Added a new drop down to change the aggregation type shown on the list view. By popular request, this will now be more in line with the experience in our other retailer apps.
Attachments section is no longer listed separately for Denied disputes.
A176 interpretation logic updated to be more sophisticated in how we decide between Carton Shortage and Cost Difference. This should reduce the number of Cost Difference deductions shown for most suppliers and thus help win back more money by going after easier to win shortage deductions.
Release Notes - July 28, 2023
Based on your feedback, we updated our Past Due logic for invoices to now only consider them Past Due if it's 14 days after the due date. Previously it was marked Past Due 7 days after the due date.
The invoice details page now shows the status of any deductions on the invoice. Quickly see if it's been disputed and whether or not it was paid back or denied.
Removed the case information container for invoices that were paid BAU and didn't need to be disputed.
Fixed a bug related to results for searching for a PO number within invoices.
Simplified the bulk re-dispute process. Now you can bulk re-dispute denied deductions by just using the status filter!
Added bulk attach files for invoices.
Added return policies to validity for return deductions! Don't forget to check it out here.
Invoices can now be archived from the Actionable page. Useful in case there are any that don't actually need to be paid or disputed but they're still showing as Past Due.
Added Will Not Dispute option for Supplier Action or Target Research status deduction disputes.
Added dispute count column to deduction and invoice exports.
Will Not Dispute given highest priority status behind Paid for deductions.
Made some behind-the-scenes tweaks to improve speed within the app.
Release Notes - July 14, 2023
We've launched a new left side navigation in conjunction with all of our other applications! Be sure to check it out and enjoy getting around various apps faster than flipping between pages.
Release Notes - July 5, 2023
Attachments column added to the invoice export so you can see which attachments are included with each invoice.
Improved parsing for EDI 810 invoices.
Custom dispute explanations are now available within the Supplier Settings page! click the gear icon in the upper right of the app to set your own message that will pre-populate for every code you set one for.
Internal notes added for invoice pages. Just like deductions, these are only seen within the SupplyPike app and not included with an disputes sent to a retailer.
Release Notes - June 26, 2023
Validity for return deductions is beginning its rolling out!
On the list of deductions, click the Readiness filter and then choose an option within the Validity drop down.
On the details page in the top left of information, you'll see a judgement that tells you which type of validity is assessed.
And don't forget to check your return policies here (if you don't have any, make sure we have access to VMM Limited Update Acces, LaunchPad, and Item Maintenance in POL).
Release Notes - June 19, 2023
Two new columns in the deductions export by request: denial reasons from Target and any internal notes added in the details page for each deduction.
Updated some language for clarity in our Auto Dispute settings: threshold is now limit to make sure it's clear that the value added for a Maximum dispute amount is the cut-off or top end of a range, not the starting point for deductions to be auto-disputed.
Release Notes - June 15, 2023
By popular request, the 'Disputed through SupplyPike' filter has arrived for invoices!
More options have been added to the Dispute Count filter. Now go from 1 to 7+.
Payment terms have been added to your Settings page in the top right corner. These are used when we determine if an invoice is Past Due or not.
Item level return policies have been added to your Settings page. Find them within each department policy.
Bulk disputing for unpaid invoices is now here!
Release Notes - June 9, 2023
Readiness filter launched for Past Due invoices! Quickly see which Past Due invoices have everything they need to ensure a high chance of approval and get to disputing.
Supplier Action status launched for deductions - see when Target is request more information via Synergy and get back to them through a deduction's detail page.
Department level Return Policies are now available in your settings.
Auto Dispute settings redesigned to be more in line with other retailers' settings.
Health Metrics now included in the dashboard export.
Release Notes - May 26, 2023
Unpaid invoices are now on the dashboard! Use the Code filter, pick UNPD, and take a look at the aggregations; especially helpful is the Over Time chart to see how often Target has been missing payments.
Department filter added for the Invoice List page - check it out under the 'More' button. Like the name says, more filters will be arriving here soon.
Columns for Paid, Approved, Disputed, and Denied dates and amounts are now in the invoice export.
Added more persistent re-try logic for uploading attachments to Synergy.
Attachments from Synergy cases submitted outside of SupplyPike are now included for any invoice that has to be disputed.
Release Notes - May 1, 2023
Deductions Over Time are now included in the dashboard export - the formatting should allow you to use Excel or Google Sheets to rapidly reproduce the trended chart we show in app in case you need to customize them for any of your own spreadsheets or presentations or documents. Just highlight the data and insert a line chart!
Invoice readiness has now been added to the details page for each Past Due invoice. Look for the 'Ready to Dispute!' message on the right-hand side of the details page. Readiness filter on the list view is coming soon!
We now generate invoice PDFs even if there is no specified Ship To on the invoice. The invoice will still have the PO-Location combo, however, and so the DC an order should have gone through can still be known.
Fixed an oversight with the 'Clear' option behavior not consistently showing up with the More Filters button.
Release Notes - April 25, 2023
Bulk Edit Explanation functionality added for Invoices - now you can update the Dispute Explanation section of multiple Past Due invoices at once.
Fixed a bug preventing some deductions from being disputed with the proper dispute type.
Release Notes - April 19, 2023
File filter added for the invoice pages - now you can quickly get to Past Due invoices that have proof documentation attached.
Added bulk disputes to our new health metrics section, expanding Auto Disputed to be Auto and Bulk Disputed - now you can get a better feel for how many more disputes you're able to get through with software rather than disputing things one by one in the tools Target provides.
Fixed a formatting issue for invoice dates in our invoice export.
Release Notes - April 17, 2023
Invoice Exporting is here! Now you can export the list of invoices we show as Past Due and compare them to your internal records. Or export all invoices. The power is yours.
Lots of behind the scenes improvements with how we handle EDI data and optimizations of the app.
Release Notes - April 5, 2023
Made an update to vastly increase the speed of the Invoice Details Page - this should help quite a bit when you're looking into unpaid, past-due invoices.
Past due invoices should now have invoice PDFs generated automatically.
Updated the Details Page for Deductions to show Synergy Work notes whenever they're present on Synergy cases. This will be available for new and old cases.
Added a new sticky row to the Dashboard. Now your Date and Code filters and Export button will follow you as you scroll down the page. No more scrolling up and down over and over to flip through deduction codes and types on the Deductions Over Time line chart.
Release Notes - March 31, 2023
Unpaid Invoice disputing is now available in Deductions Navigator: Target! Customers that have access can now start recovering thousands, and sometimes even millions in past-due, unpaid invoices much more efficiently than was previously possible.
Invoice PDFs are now also being generated to support disputing.
SDI for BOLs or PODs will be launching soon to also support.
Deduction Health Metrics are now viewable at the top of the Dashboard for all companies. Make sure to hover over the tooltip for each metric to understand more about what the numbers mean.
Updated the colors for the Deductions Over Time line chart to be more accessibility friendly.
Updated the Due Amount for Past-Due invoices to always show the full amount of the invoice, not what the amount would have been with any discounts.
Release Notes - March 17, 2023
New Invoices Details Page is live in the app! Check out which items were part of each invoice and any Purchase Order and logistical information we can provide related to the invoice.
Open Credit Memo deductions now get Invoice and PO PDFs generated. Coming soon will be SDI support for Invoice Match type deductions. Return-Damage-Defective types do not need shipping documents as they're almost entirely sourced from store-level returns.
Adjusted which disputes show as successfully submitted depending on whether or not all proof documents are uploaded to a created case.
Release Notes - March 3, 2023
Updated the format of Purchase Order PDFs we generate to remove some non-essential fields. Also updated the item table to match Invoice PDFs generated so it is easier to compare between the two when assessing validity.
Turned on auto-generation of PO PDFs for all companies.
Release Notes - February 17, 2023
New Invoices page is live in the app! For customers that have access, the new Invoices List page is now viewable in the app. Check out Past-Due, unpaid invoices, watch the status of ones that are In Progress, or look at all Invoices, Open, Unprocessed, Paid, or otherwise.
Release Notes - February 10, 2023
Search now includes item level numbers and delivery receipt numbers! And as always, you can still search by chargeback/document number, invoice number, and purchase order number.
New Deductions Over Time container added to help understand trends for all deductions and specific deductions when you use the Code filter at the top of the Dashboard.
Fixed a bug where the Paid Amount toggle on the dashboard was working opposite from expectation.
Fixed a few bugs that were causing some deductions to appear to be duplicated.
Release Notes - January 27, 2023
New Dashboard Reason Code Filter! Filter all the aggregations on the Dashboard by specific deduction codes with the click of a button. Use it in conjunction with the date filter to home in on specific times and issues that are candidates for improvement and prevention.
Disabled the checkbox for deductions that are 'Submitting...' to prevent deductions from accidentally being submitted twice.
Release Notes - January 13, 2023
99.99% improved item information available in the app - previously you may have seen UPC columns blank or many unmapped items. This should no longer be the case for the vast majority of deductions.
Purchase Order numbers, their associated dates, invoice numbers and their associated dates should be much more complete. Especially for Open Credit Memo-based deductions, the reporting information available should be greater, even if Target is only providing piecemeal information.
Added a link on each deduction's detail page to the help article for its code type.
Disputed More Than Once filter added under the More Filters button so you can more easily keep track of deductions that have been disputed more than once.
Auto Dispute banner added on the detail page of deductions that were auto disputed.
Closed loophole that would've allowed some deductions to attempt to be disputed if they were older than 18 months. Synergy doesn't allow deductions older than 18 months, and so this would cause the disputes to seem as if they could be disputed, but they would fail, even though they never should've been disputable in the first place. Instead, now they cannot be disputed and we've added a message to let users know to reach out to Target via email (as well as providing a contact list) in case they still need to engage in the dispute process.